History of the building
Early drawings of the church show a minstrel's gallery and some of the earliest passion plays, including one for St. George's Day, were put on in Bassingbourn when they used the space for drama, music and dancing, as well as celebrations during the year, such as Christmas and Easter. Our vision To return the interior of the building into a form that will allow it to be an open community space once again. You can learn more about the Vision for the project here. At present We look forward to welcoming you, and although we are already an active church and manage to run several groups, a return to the original layout, along with an improved heating system, will allow us to do so much more for you, and the generations yet to come, as we serve and build our community in the heart of Bassingbourn. The future We plan to put in a locally sourced natural stone floor with underfloor heating which would allow us to move away from the current oil heating and use greener energy efficient heat sources such as heat pumps. The current stone memorials, called 'ledger stones' would be retained. At the back of the church there are currently improvised kitchen units housing a sink linked to an outdoor tap. Part of the plan is to provide modern kitchen and toilet facilites alongside the beautiful open central space with flexible seating. This would make the building suitable and welcoming for both young and old. We will continue running our Tots & Toddlers group, Craft Groups, Messy Church, and so much more across all age groups. During the week, high quality coffee would be served. We have reached an agreement with Hot Numbers to supply coffee from their roastery at Shepreth and for them to train our own team to serve excellent coffee and food to our community, and beyond. Community cafe - Help needed! Interested in becoming involved? If you'd like to become a member of the 'Bassingbourn Barrista Club', or would be interested in working when it starts, let us know. Regular scaled donations will provide Bronze, Silver, Gold or Standard membership with free coffees and discounts. So if you want to be part of helping to grow our community cafe please join us crowd funding this local project here to serve everyone. All donations welcome, however large or small. With your help we can do it! Looking forward to making the church a warm, friendly open community space again for many generations to come; as it was first intended and used. Bassingbourn Parish Church - a Wellspring of hope for all! Press the button below to give. ![]() Donate now by card payment
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Direct bank payments are the easiest and most efficient way of giving. The project Bank Details are: Account name: Bassingbourn Parochial Church Council Building Project Account no. 83187128 Sort Code: 20-73-26 If you are setting up or modifying a regular gift then it is helpful to let us know by filling in the form below.
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© St Peter & St Paul’s,
23 North End, Bassingbourn, SG8 5NZ Registered Charity 1169787 |